Friday, April 30, 2010

Minor Project - LED Binary Clock Intentions

For my Minor Project, I intend to build the rest of the LED Binary Clock. This will mean using three shift registers to control 20 LEDs seperately. Also, if i can, i will try to program it so that i will be able to set the time on the clock using three push buttons.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tim :-)
    This has nothing much to do with your Minor Project (i don't think..) but have you been doing anything with the Infra-Red LED & Detector?
    I'm working on this currently, & i wondered if you would like to team up to do the Arduino Communication thing via IR? If i get it sussed fully i could pass it on to you & maybe we could knock over a group of tasks together (i think they're somewhere around 45 up to 49 or something).
    I'm @:
    or @: (my blog addy).

    Otherwise, have a good weekend :-)
